www.redvsblue.com - See the hit cartoon series that takes place in Halo, and now, Halo 2's multiplayer.
www.bungie.net - View your Xbox Live stats or just look around at the site from the people who made the very game this site is about!
http://www.freewebs.com/halo-spartans2/- A Halo fan's take on what happens behind the cutscenes. In other words a story written by myself, Major Silva,
and him. NOTE: Still in developement, give it some time.
http://www.halo2source.com - An awesome fansite with a ton of things like.......ummm.........joining their site. Personally Iv'e registered.
NOTE: Vulgarity in Forums, so if your a little kid then.......uhh.........don't go there.